News! Crochet Corner Coming Soon!

News! Crochet Corner Coming Soon!

So...Crochet items will be posted on the new Crochet Corner link at the top of our website. There will be various crocheted goodies to choose from...though only one or two at a time will be posted. There really isn't a way to mass produce crocheted items (unless we have a clone machine to make another me). Some things do not take long to make while others can take months to complete. Prices here will vary.

Once the quantity hits zero for the sold items, the pictures will be shown on an Items Sold page. I will be setting up this page and show what I have already created and given or sold in person. 

All items are created WITHOUT using a pattern. If I see something I want to make, I can just create it without a pattern. 

If you are looking to buy patterns this is not the site to look for patterns on. I do not have the time to sit and count stitches as I create things. I usually create and move on. But I do remember every item that I crocheted and how I made it, so if I need to make more than one I can do that. 

It is possible to make requested items! It may take a while for me to make things due to my work schedule and home schedule. So postings might only be every couple of weeks. 

Creating this page also shows that Avarey and I are real people. We love to create things. So you will see more!

Lots of Love!

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